20-27 February 2019
HSE Study Center “Voronovo”
Europe/Moscow timezone

Monte-Carlo study of long-range correlations of average transverse momentum and multiplicity for strange particles in pp-collisions at the LHC energies.

22 Feb 2019, 20:00
HSE Study Center “Voronovo”

HSE Study Center “Voronovo”

Voronovskoe, Moscow Russian Federation
Board: 8
Poster [portrait A1 or landscape A0] Poster Session


Vladislav Sandul (SPbSU)


This study is motivated by the phenomenon of the enhanced production of multi-strange hadrons observed for the first time by the ALICE Collaboration in high-multiplicity pp-collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV at the LHC. We investigate this effect of strangeness enhancement in pp-collisions in the framework of the MC event generator PYTHIA 8 where the collectivity processes are taken into account by the formation of a so-called "flavour rope''. The latter is hadronized with a larger effective string tension providing the increase of strangeness yield. This concept of the "flavour rope'', as a source of multi-strange hadrons, extended in rapidity, is being tested by the study of so called long-range correlations (LRC) between the average transverse momentum $\langle p_T \rangle$ and multiplicity $n$ for particles containing strange quarks produced in high energy pp-collisions.
The dependencies of correlation coefficients $b_{n-n}$, $b_{p_T-n}$ )and $b_{p_T-p_T}$ on the gap between forward and backward pseudorapidity windows, and on the width of the forward pseudorapidity windows, are studied.
The behaviour of correlation coefficients for strange particles is compared with the behavior of correlation coefficients for charged particles. It is demonstrated that the positive $n$-$n$, $p_T$-$n$ and $p_T$-$p_T$ correlations are observed for all studied types of particles. The correlation coefficients of strange particles in each of the considered cases are noticeably less than for charged particles. The difference in the behavior of the correlation coefficients of charged particles and strange particles is discussed.

Primary authors

Vladislav Sandul (SPbSU) Grigory Feofilov (SPbSU)

Presentation Materials

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