20-27 February 2019
HSE Study Center “Voronovo”
Europe/Moscow timezone

New 3D fine-grained scintillator detector for a T2K ND280 neutrino active target

22 Feb 2019, 20:00
HSE Study Center “Voronovo”

HSE Study Center “Voronovo”

Voronovskoe, Moscow Russian Federation
Board: 9
Poster [portrait A1 or landscape A0] Poster Session


Sergei Fedotov


An upgrade of the long baseline neutrino experiment T2K near detector ND280 is currently being developed with the goal to reduce systematic uncertainties in the prediction of number of events at the far detector Super-Kamiokande. The upgrade program includes the design and construction of a new highly granular fully active scintillator detector with 3D WLS fiber readout as a neutrino target. The detector of about 200×180×60 cm3 in size and a mass of ∼2.2~tons will be assembled from about 2×106 plastic scintillator cubes of 1×1×1 cm3. Each cube is read out by three orthogonal Kuraray Y11 Wave Length Shifting (WLS) fibers threaded through the detector. Currently beam tests of two prototype of new detector were done. And the tests of individual elements of the detector are continuing.

Primary author

Sergei Fedotov


Dr Yury Kudenko (INR RAS) Mr Mineev Oleg (INR RAS) Mr Alexey Khotjantsev (INR RAS) Mr Aleksei Smirnos (INR RAS) Mr Sergei Suvorov (INR RAS) Mr Aleksandr Mefodev (INR RAS)

Presentation Materials

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